Old Kuopio Museum’s Exhibition texts
Welcome to Old Kuopio Museum!
In Old Kuopio Museum, we show you how people lived here in Kuopio a hundred years ago. The museum is composed of homes of different kinds of fictive families and a pharmacy from the beginning of the 20th century. You can also find a changing exhibition called Finland’s east in photography that opens on 12.6.2020 and Matti Mattsson’s recycling art workshop.
Please, tour the buildings in the instructed order due to the corona-virus outbreak. Start from the outdoors toilet in the building 6 and then go to the buildings 7, 11, 12 and 13. After this you can visit the changing exhibition in the building 1 and Matti Mattson’s workshop in building 3. Please, remember physical distancing when you encounter other visitors or staff members.
Have a lovely visit!
Building 7 – Tailor’s workshop
Building 13 – Shoemaker’s workshop